An example on getting the middle point of a screen in Java. It is just a single statement far away.
import java.awt.*;
class GetCenter
public static void main(String args[])
// Get the center point using getCenterPoint() in GraphicsEnvironment class
Point p=GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getCenterPoint();
// Print the x co-ordinate
System.out.println("The center x co-ordinate is "+p.x);
// Print the y co-ordinate
System.out.println("The center y co-ordinate is "+p.y);
The center x co-ordinate is 512
The center y co-ordinate is 364
As java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment is an abstract class, it's object here is created using the method getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() which is a public static method of the class itself and now the method which is just a normal method, the getCenterPoint() method returns the java.awt.Point object which contains the x and y co ordinates (the center of the screen).