You might be familiar with the line equation ax+by+c=0. Where a,b,c are constants and x,y are the points on the line. Now let us check whether the given points lie on the given line. The program inputs the values of a,b,c and the values of x,y and then gives whether the point lies on the line or not. One of the major themes of this program is to illustrate the assertion operator.
import java.util.*;
class CheckLine
public static void main(String args[])
// Create Scanner object
Scanner s=new Scanner(;
// Enter the a,b,c
System.out.println("Enter the a,b,c values");
int a=s.nextInt();
int b=s.nextInt();
int c=s.nextInt();
/* Note: Line equation is ax+by+c=0 */
// Enter the x,y
System.out.println("Enter the x,y planes on the line");
int x=s.nextInt();
int y=s.nextInt();
// Get the expression
boolean p=doTheyLie(a,b,c,x,y);
// "lies" if p is true "does not lie" if not
String st=p?"lies":"does not lie";
System.out.println("The given point "+st+" on the line");
public static boolean doTheyLie(int a,int b,int c,int x,int y)
 return a*x+b*y+c==0;
Sample outputs of the program
Enter the a,b,c values
Enter the x,y planes on the line
The given point lies on the line
Enter the a,b,c values
Enter the x,y planes on the line
The given point does not lie on the line
Explaining the assertion and CheckLine
return a*x+b*y+c==0; Return whether the line equation formed using this equals 0.
String st=p?"lies":"does not lie"; Set the value to the string st. If the expression p is true, then lies else does not lie is stored in st. The : expression is after the else.