JIRA is a proprietary issue tracking product, developed by Atlassian, commonly used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management. The product name, JIRA, is not an acronym but rather a truncation of "Gojira", the Japanese name for Godzilla.It has been developed since 2004.
JIRA is written in Java and uses the Pico inversion of control container, Apache OFBiz entity engine, and WebWork 1 technology stack. For Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), JIRA supports SOAP, XML-RPC and REST.
JIRA integrates with source control programs such as Subversion, CVS, Git, Clearcase, Visual SourceSafe, Mercurial, and Perforce. It is translated into English, Japanese, German, French, and Spanish.
JIRA's flexible plugin architecture spawned a large number of integrations developed by the JIRA development community and third parties, including IDE's like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA using the Atlassian IDE Connector. The JIRA API allows developers to integrate third-party applications into JIRA.
JIRA is used for issue tracking and project management by over 14,500 organizations in 122 countries around the globe.[citation needed]
Several developer groups have adopted JIRA in their projects,among them Linden Lab, JBoss, Spring Framework, Zend Framework, Hibernate, OpenSymphony, Fedora Commons, Codehaus XFire and Skype.
JIRA provides issue tracking and project tracking for software development teams to improve code quality and the speed of development.
And also it has more OpenSocail Dashboards,Custom Workflow,Reports and analysis,Plugins and extensions to get more reports on projects and enhance them.
#1.To maintain a project
#2.To give support to a product based project
#3. To Solve the issues(bugs).
We can find the priority of the issue is it Trivial or Minor or Major or Critical or As Allows' by Priority of Issues.
The JIRA home page looks like with all projects and issues and all stuff having like below.
As a Software Developer you Should know this:
As a real time Software Employee he must train on this to work.
The issues are assigned to software Developer to solve.For this a he have to develop the code regarding to that issue.It should be followed by company code standards.Prepare the documents 'Code Review Checklist',UnitTest Results document and Developer's Checklist document.
After that send a mail to Reporter by attaching the 3 documents. Then wait for his review complete.
Once the Review completed then checkin the code to Repository head. Collect the version numbers of every file checked in by you.
Then attach these 3 documents to JIRA in Attach Files link.Then enter the comment as Issue Fixed.Write the modules effeced where the code changes has done mention with file name and version number.
Write the Validation Criteria for the issue.How to do that process in your application.
Modify the issue status as Resolved or Fixed.
Then Send a mail to Reporter or Project Manager to deploy that Checkedin code into the server(application).