The "struts-logic" tag library contains tags that are useful in managing conditional generation of output text, looping over object collections for repetitive generation of output text, and application flow management.
The Logic library supplies tags that are useful for manipulating presentation logic without the use of scriptlets.
Logic Tag Functionality
The functionality of the logic tags can be divided into four groups:
Value Comparisons - The purpose of these tags is to print out the body of the tag if the comparison evaluates to true.
Substring Matching - The purpose of these tags is to match substrings inside of other Strings
Presentation Location - The purpose of these tags is to change the location of the presentation page
Collection Utilities -The purpose of these tags is to handle Collections
The Logic library supplies tags that are useful for manipulating presentation logic without the use of scriptlets.
Logic Tag Functionality
The functionality of the logic tags can be divided into four groups:
Value Comparisons - The purpose of these tags is to print out the body of the tag if the comparison evaluates to true.
equal, notEqual
greaterEqual , lessEqual
greaterThan , lessThan
Substring Matching - The purpose of these tags is to match substrings inside of other Strings
match , notMatch
Presentation Location - The purpose of these tags is to change the location of the presentation page
Collection Utilities -The purpose of these tags is to handle Collections