The design patterns are very popular with the interviewers and Java/J2EE Job Interview Companion covers GoF design patterns, J2EEE design patterns, and EJB design patterns. This blog entry covers the observer design pattern. Q. What is an observer design pattern? A. The Observer pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows an object (an Observer) to watch another object (a Subject). The subject and observer to have a publish/subscribe relationship. Observers can register to receive events from the Subject. Some of the practical uses of observer pattern are:
So, whenever you want to have the state change or other information, instead of polling every few second, register the observers with a subject. |
Here is some pseudo code of this third scenario
STEP 1: Define the Subject and Observer interfaces
This is the subject interface
package com;
public interface ReportExecutor {
public void addHandler(ReportHandler rh);
public void removeHandler(ReportHandler rh);
public void processReport(String message);
This is the observer interface
package com;
public interface ReportHandler {
//handles report
public void handleMessage(String message);
STEP 2: Define the concrete subject and observers.
The concrete subject
package com;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class SalesReportExecutor implements ReportExecutor {
//list of observers that register their interest in SalesReport
private List<reporthandler> reportHandlers = new ArrayList<reporthandler>();
public void addHandler(ReportHandler rh) {
public void processReport(String message) {
for (ReportHandler reportHandler : reportHandlers) {
public void removeHandler(ReportHandler rh) {
The concrete observers
package com;
public class LoggingReportHandler implements ReportHandler {
public void handleMessage(String message) {
//handles report by formatting and printing
System.out.println("Logging report " + message);
package com;
public class EmailReportHandler implements ReportHandler {
public void handleMessage(String message) {
//handles the report by formatting it differently and emailing.
System.out.println("Emailing report " + message);
//logic to email report.
STEP 3: Finally, the JMS listener class that uses the subject. The JMS Listener class listens on a queue for presence of a report.
package com.mgl.mts.fix;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;
public class MyAppListener {
public void onMessage(Message message) {
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
ReportExecutor executor = new SalesReportExecutor();
executor.addHandler(new LoggingReportHandler());
executor.addHandler(new EmailReportHandler());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message must be of type TextMessage");
Q. Can you list some Java interfaces that use the observer design pattern? A.
Q. What are the pros and cons of an Observer design pattern?
- Loose coupling between Subject and Observer: The subject knows only a list of observers, that implement the Observer interface, it does no know the concrete implementation of the Observer.
- Broadcast communication: An event notification is broadcast to observers irrespective of the number of Observers
- If not used carefully the observer pattern can add unnecessary complexity.
- The order of Observer notifications is undependable. Simply registering the observers in a particular order will not enforce their order of notification. You don't necessarily know if the first registered listener is notified first or last. If you need to have cascading notifications, where object X must be notified first, followed by object Y, you must introduce an intermediary object to enforce the ordering.
- The possibility of a memory leak. A reference to the Observer is maintained by the Subject. Until the Subject releases the reference, the Observer cannot be removed by the garbage collector.
Relevant other design patterns: