Example to Find maxmimum element in ArrayList
This java example shows how to find a maximum element of Java ArrayList using max method of Collections class.
To find maximum element of Java ArrayList use, static Object max(Collection c) method of Collections class.
This method returns the maximum element of Java ArrayList according to its natural ordering.
The Output :
CoreJava Fundamentals:
This java example shows how to find a maximum element of Java ArrayList using max method of Collections class.
To find maximum element of Java ArrayList use, static Object max(Collection c) method of Collections class.
This method returns the maximum element of Java ArrayList according to its natural ordering.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class FindMaximumOfArrayListExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//create an ArrayList object
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
//Add elements to Arraylist
arrayList.add(new Integer("327482"));
arrayList.add(new Integer("13408"));
arrayList.add(new Integer("802348"));
arrayList.add(new Integer("345308"));
arrayList.add(new Integer("509324"));
Object obj = Collections.max(arrayList);
System.out.println("Maximum Element of Java ArrayList is : " + obj);
The Output :
Maximum Element of Java ArrayList is : 802348
CoreJava Fundamentals: